Here's a code example of something I knocked together to import Windows .url shortcut files to a MySQL database on my home-server system that I'm building.
The shortcut files are actually just text, so you can read them really easily..
They just contain a header, then the URL.. For example:
Here's a PHP code snippet...
// Create a function and give it the filename of the URL file..
function readurl($filename)
// Pull the .url off the end..
$filenamebits= explode(".url",$filename);
// Create a "Link Description" from the filename
// Open the file to get at it's juicy contents
$file = fopen("$filename","r");
// Set up a counter
// Set up a "While there's still stuff in the file" loop
while (!feof($file) ) {
// Open the file and get stuff from it, line by line
$line_of_text = fgets($file);
// If you're on line number 1...
if ($linecount==1)
// Explode the line of text into pieces
$pieces = explode("=", $line_of_text);
// Extract the bits we want and wrap it in some friendly HTML
$URLTOADD="<a href=\"$pieces[1]\">$linkdesc</a>";
// You can either then write this string out to the screen, or like I do, fire it
// into a database for later use
// Increment the line count
// Close the file. Otherwise the operating system gets cross. Probably.